
Ruben Block solo - Looking To Glide Tour

  • Datum: Donnerstag, 09. November 2023 um 21:00 Uhr
  • Location:  
  • Glockseestraße 35 30169 Hannover

Ruben Block solo - Looking To Glide Tour
Hochgeladen von: eventim

It wouldnt have been Plato who said: To do good solo work, you need to consult someone else, but it is nonetheless true.

See the case of Ruben Block: a super-talent and rock star in Belgium, the Netherlands and neighbouring countries, dedicated singerguitarist and frontman of rock phenomenon Triggerfinger.

To be even more himself and to make his first solo record, he consulted a Great: Mitchel Froom, American, producer of and conspirator with Crowded House, Elvis Costello, Suzanne Vega, Paul McCartney, Los Lobos, Sheryl Crow and - yes - Triggerfinger.

At that time, Froom was a founding member of the Latin Playboys, an occasional group with members of Los Lobos, and creators of a rootsy, experimental rock sound that inspired Block.

Block found the ideal sparring partner in Froom to get closer to himself. The music he makes as Ruben Block is erratic, sometimes dark, sometimes equipped with almost cubist-sounding riffs, armed with small vocal hooks, and texts in which light and darkness take each other by the hand and form a strange dance. Froom beautifully described that combination of gloomy and cheerfulness as Rubens instinct to keep the worry out of it. With this project, it was really important that the joy stays in there - even on the dark songs.

And voilà, there you have it: the project became an album where music lovers can have a lot of fun in the long run. Its not instant soup, nor instant coffee music, but songs that have been worked on for a long time and with growing pleasure.

From the Bowie-esque guitars of Turning on a fan to the falsetto voices of Looking to glide, from the mysterious percussion tapestries in Doing love to the final song, Showtime, which simply dares to be beautiful.

Each song is a discovery tour, with details in arrangements and instrumentation, findings that reveal themselves along the way, and several interesting layers.

Meanwhile - no worries - there is also energetic rocking, as in the advanced single Lights.

Much beauty, many intelligent instincts, much Ruben Block, which through Mitchell Froom came closer to himself. And in the process, it blows up the tent.

Ruben Block solo - Looking To Glide Tour bei popula: Ruben Block solo - Looking To Glide Tour ist vorüber - und das seit 214 Tagen. Am Donnerstag, den 09.11.2023 fiel der Startschuss für die Veranstaltung in der Stadt im Kreis Region Hannover. Ruben Block solo - Looking To Glide Tour ist momentan nur eine von 965 weiteren Terminen, die z.B. aus dem Bereich Flohmärkte, Ausstellungen und Theater sind. Die Veranstaltungsorte  liegen in der näheren Umgebung von Café Glocksee. Wenn du das Event Ruben Block solo - Looking To Glide Tour erleben möchtest, führt kein Weg an der Stadt Hannover vorbei, also schau dir, wenn du von außerhalb kommst, unsere Karte an. Dort kannst du dich schon mal mit der Umgebung vertraut machen. Ruben Block solo - Looking To Glide Tour erreicht diese Woche keinen Platz der Top100 der beliebtesten Events der Stadt Hannover. Teile den Event jetzt auf Facebook und hilf dabei, ihn zum beliebtesten Event der Stadt zu machen! Wenn du möchtest, kannst du den Termin auch auf deinem Blog oder deiner Webseite einbinden. Das Widget lässt sich kinderleicht in Größe und Design anpassen. Dieser Eintrag wurde auf getätigt. Du hast aber die Möglichkeit die Veranstaltung zu bearbeiten. Dazu kannst du dich hier melden.

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Ruben Block solo - Looking To Glide Tour, Donnerstag, 09. November 2023, Café Glocksee