
Welcome to Bollywood!

Bollywood Dance with Maanasa

  • Datum: Samstag, 23. September 2023 um 13:15 Uhr
  • Location:  
  • Falkstraße 72 60487 Frankfurt am Main

Welcome to Bollywood!
Hochgeladen von: OT pur
Quelle: Bollywood Dance with Maanasa in Frankfurt & online
Join us for an exhilarating journey into the vibrant world of Bollywood dance with Maanasa. In this

Join us for an exhilarating journey into the vibrant world of Bollywood dance with Maanasa. In this engaging workshop, Maanasa will guide you through the enchanting art of Bollywood dance.

Workshop includes:

- Warm-up: Begin the session by gently preparing your body for the captivating dance experience that awaits you.
- Step-by-step instruction: Maanasa will break down the dance steps without music, allowing you to become acquainted with the unique movements and rhythm of Bollywood dance.
- Combo: As you grow comfortable with the steps, Maanasa will seamlessly blend them with a trending and popular Bollywood song, turning the individual steps into a mesmerizing combination.
- Cool Down: Wind down after an energetic dance session with a soothing cool-down routine.
- Interactive Q&A: Engage with Maanasa in a quick question-and-answer session after the workshop, where you can clarify doubts and seek dance-related insights.

Who can attend: This workshop is designed for beginners, so no prior dance experience is necessary. All you need is a zest for fun, a desire for exercise, and an eagerness to explore the captivating world of Bollywood Dance.

What to bring: training clothes, something to drink

Bollywood Dance: Bollywood dance is a dynamic fusion of various Indian dance styles, brought together in a captivating medley. From sensuous, slow movements to fast-paced, groovy sequences, each dance is a reflection of the song's tempo and emotion. Often performed to the melodious tunes of Hindi language songs from Indian cinema, Bollywood dance offers an exciting way to stay active, learn party-ready moves, and relish the joy of community dancing.Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Indian culture through the rhythmic beats, soul-stirring melodies, and expressive dance moves of Bollywood. Discover the sheer delight of dancing while connecting with the heart and soul of India.

Maanasa:Trained in the Indian Classical Dance form of Bharatanatyam for 21 years and a passionate Bollywood dancer, I founded my Dance Academy ‘Anahata Academy of Dance’ in India, in the year 2016. Through this academy I trained more than 100 students across all age groups in Bollywood and Bharatanatyam. Honoured to be a part of the troupe of Indian delegates at the 50th World Dance Congress held in Greece by the World Dance Association, affiliated to UNESCO. I have received the prestigious titles of ‘Natya Kalaimani’ and ‘Natya Kalai Chudar’ by the Tamil Nadu State Government in India.

I look forward to experiencing the cheer and joy through Bollywood with you all!

Maanasa spricht Deutsch, der Unterricht wird aber überwiegend in Englisch stattfinden.

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Welcome to Bollywood!, Samstag, 23. September 2023, Tanzschule OT pur