

Boing! English Comedy Night

Boing! English Comedy Night
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BOING! Comedy Club - das Original! präsentiert: THE BOING! ENGLISH STAND UP COMEDY NIGHT KÖLN! Der beste Stand-up-Comedy Club Kölns präsentiert dieses Special für alle Liebhaber echter englischer und amerikanischer Stand Up Comedy. Für alle Expats, Fremden, Muttersprachler, Lover, Hater oder sogar Deutsche - hier ist der richtige Ort, um sich seine Lacher abzuholen! Internationale Comedy Gäste, die ihr frischestes Material zeigen.

The best stand up comedy club in Cologne is presenting this special show for all lovers of real English and American standup comedy. On special dates this is the place for all you expats, foreigners, native tonguers, lovers, haters or even Germans to get your international laughs! International comedy guests and exciting newcomers will present their best material. You get a great 2 hour show in this great location - and after the show you can stay all night to chat, socialise and drink. --- about ticket pricing: There are different categories, so you can pay whatever you want. Those who have more and want to support the arts can pay more. Thesponsor ticket includes a little sponsor ad at the end or start of the show.

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Boing! English Comedy Night, Freitag, 10. November 2023, Echtzeit - Grill & Thrill